Sunday, October 25, 2009

46 persen Penduduk Indonesia Dehidrasi

Istilah dehidrasi sebenarnya sudah tak asing lagi, namun kondisi ini sering disepelekan. Padahal sebenarnya dehidrasi cukup berbahaya, pada tingkat yang berat dehidrasi bisa menyebabkan kematian. Berdasarkan studi terkini 46,1 persen orang Indonesia mengalami dehidrasi ringan.

Hal tersebut dipaparkan oleh Prof. Dr.Ir.Hardinsyah dalam laporan hasil penelitian The Indonesian Regional Hydration Study (THIRST). Penelitian tersebut merupakan hasil kerjasama tiga universitas di Indonesia, yaitu Fakultas Ekologi Manusia, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Pasca Sarjana Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Hasanudin, Makasar, serta Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya.

Dehidrasi, yang berarti kekurangan cairan tubuh karena jumlah cairan yang keluar lebih banyak daripada jumlah cairan yang masuk, ini bisa menyerang siapa saja, dari anak kecil hingga orang tua. 

Dehidrasi terbagi dalam tiga jenis, yaitu dehidrasi ringan (jika penurunan cairan tubuh 1-2 persen dari berat badan), dehidrasi sedang (jika penurunan cairan tubuh antara 5-10 persen dari berat badan), dan dehidrasi berat (jika penurunan cairan tubuh lebih dari 10 persen dari berat badan). 

Dehidrasi dapat mengakibatkan gangguan dalam fungsi otak, seperti menurunnya konsentrasi dan kemampuan berpikir di samping secara fisik dapat menurunkan stamina dan produktivitas kerja. "Kekurangan air satu persen saja sudah bisa menyebabkan gangguan mengingat," kata Prof.Dr.Hardinsyah.

Dalam survei yang dilakukan di enam kota yang terletak di dataran tinggi dan dataran rendah di Indonesia, yaitu Jakarta, Lembang, Surabaya, Malang, Makasar, dan Malino, yang melibatkan 1.200 responden berusia 15-55 tahun diketahui 46,1 persen mengalami dehidrasi dengan persentasi remaja lebih besar, yakni sekitar 49,5 persen. Persentasenya juga lebih tinggi pada penduduk yang tinggal di dataran rendah seperti Jakarta, Surabaya dan Makasar.

Usia remaja memang lebih mudah terkena dehidrasi karena pada usia ini umumnya mereka senang melakukan berbagai aktivitas fisik yang tentu menguras tenaga dan juga cairan tubuh. Selain itu 46-82 persen responden menjawab tak mengerti guna air bagi tubuh serta gejala dan akibat dehidrasi. 

Menurut Hardinsyah, selain pengetahuan tentang air minum, kurangnya akses terhadap air minum yang aman dan bermutu serta faktor lingkungan ikut memperburuk tingkat dehidrasi. "Banyak anak-anak yang malas minum karena di sekolah mereka tak tersedia toilet yang bersih sehingga mereka bingung bila harus buang air kecil," paparnya.

Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, Prof Hardinsyah mengatakan peningkatkan pengetahuan dan mengubah perilaku masyarakat dalam mengonsumsi air perlu dilakukan. "Pemerintah bisa bekerja sama dengan pihak swasta lewat program tanggung jawab sosial (CSR) untuk melakukan edukasi serta menyediakan toilet yang bersih di sekolah-sekolah," katanya.

Sebenarnya pemerintah melalui Pedoman Umum Gizi Seimbang sudah menyertakan pentingnya air minum sebagai bagian dari kecukupan gizi untuk tubuh sehat. Sayangnya hal tersebut kurang disosialisasikan. "Manusia membutuhkan air lebih banyak dari makanan," kata Prof.Hardinsyah.

Jumlah air yang dibutuhkan tubuh sangat bervariasi tergangung pada berat badan, kebutuhan energi, tingkat aktivitas, jenis kelamin, serta lingkungan. Bila diumpamakan kebutuhan energi remaja dan dewasa sekitar 1.800-3.000 kilo kalori, maka seseorang membutuhkan air sekitar 1,8 - 3 liter air per hari. Karena sepertiga konsumsi air tubuh kita juga diperoleh dari makanan, maka konsumsi air dari minuman adalah sekitar 2 liter per hari.


Friday, October 23, 2009

How important of Roof

Roof has function like a hat on someone's head. "Hats" should be placed and designed properly. If not, the imbalance would bring in feng shui is not good to the house.

Regular triangle is very good for allowing excess water to flow down and not collect on the roof. Triangles that can create problems for neighbors if the top right triangle pointing to the door person. Try not to make that happen because your neighbors can use the Pa Kua mirror in overcoming your roof can be dangerous to send energy to your home.

When the roof is made crooked one side, to side tilt roof anywhere can make a fortune eroded inhabitants.

For a large roof in front, but little behind it, represents a success at first, but the less lucky at the end of his life.

The roof-shaped coin-shaped quarter-circle. Forms such as the four circles barely contain the chi so that it has such a roof form will not bring much good. Form it would affect the vitality of its inhabitants.

Your roof forms a crescent-shaped very suitable for those who work in the armed forces, because many have an element of metal.

In making the roof trying to make balanced with the amount of the home. The roof is too large creates bad feng shui. It is a symbol that the person will always be out of luck. Horn-shaped roof will be "split" the house. Thus, the family would be split as well.

In addition to the roof, the house such as floors and walls also play an important role. For more information, please read on Drawing‑Floors‑and‑Walls‑with‑SketchUp

More info:

November is right for garden work or gardening. There is an interesting review about gardening in the month of November. What to do in the garden in November

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

10 Takdir Keturunan Yang Sulit Dicegah

“Memang sudah dari sananya,” adalah ungkapan yang sering kita dengar jika berkomentar tentang perilaku atau sifat seseorang. Artinya, memang sudah takdirnya. Apakah takdir itu jika ditinjau dari sains? Yang jelas, ada faktor keturunan yang bisa menjadi takdir seseorang untuk mengalami suatu hal yang sama dengan orangtuanya. Berikut ada 10 kondisi pada manusia yang bersikap “takdir” keturunan.

1. Alkoholisme
Anak-anak penderita alkoholik tidak ditargetkan menjadi pecandu alkohol juga. Tapi studi terbaru mengungkap bahwa sekitar 50 persen anak para alkoholik berisiko menderita nasib serupa dengan orangtuanya. Sebesar 50 persennya lagi akan ditentukan oleh lingkungan. Ini disebabkan sejumlah gen pada orangtua menurun ke anak, sejenis gen ketergantungan.

2. Kanker Payudara
Penyebabnya memang masih misteri, namun ilmuwan sudah menemukan bahwa terjadi mutasi sejumlah gen seperti BRCA1 dan BRCA2 adalah pemicunya. Perempuan yang mewarisi mutasi gen ini akan menderita kanker payudara. Sedangkan kaum lelakinya akan mengalami risiko kanker prostat.

3. Buta Warna
Sebanyak 10 juta lelaki AS tak bisa membedakan mana merah dan hijau. Gangguan pengelihatan ini memang lebih banyak diderita Kaum Adam. Mengapa? Sebab gen reseptor warna hijau dan merah berada di posisi dekat kromosom X.

4. Kekerasan
Mengerikan juga jika seorang ayah yang suka melakukan kekerasan akan menurun pada anaknya. Perilaku agresif anak lelaki biasanya diturunkan dari gen ayahnya. Bukan hanya kebiasaan melakukan kekerasan, melainkan juga perilaku antisosial dan suka mencuri. Gen suka mencuri ini lebih banyak bekerja pada perempuan.

Kegemukan tak selamanya akibat lingkungan. Banyak kasus dimana orang memangvsulit menahan nafsu makannya. Ini disebabkan ada gen yang membuat fungsi penahan nafsu makan tidak bekerja dengan baik. Dan gen ini menurun. jadi jangan heran jika menjumpai satu keluarga yang bertubuh gemuk semua.

6. Penyakit Jantung
Jika punya anggota keluarga menderita diabetes atau stroke, bisa dipastikan akan menderita gangguan jantung. Anak dari orang tua penderita gangguan jantung dan peredaran darah akan mewarisi penyakit tersebut. Ditambah lagi pasien gagal jantung juga akan menurunkan penyakit serupa.

7. Saudara Kembar
Ingin memiliki saudara kembar? Periksa dulu apakah ada kembar dalam keluarga kita. Kasus kembar ini dipicu oleh suatu gen yang membuat seorang ibu melepaskan sel telur multipel selama evaluasi. Keturunan kembar ini tidak selalu menurun langsung ke anak-anak, bisa melompat ke cucu atrau sepupu.

8. Jerawat
Anda berjerawat parah? Agak sulit disembuhkan jika memang kedua orangtua kita berjerawat juga. Studi mempelihatkan banyak anak usia sekolah berjerawat juga memiliki riwayat berjerawat pada keluarganya.

9. Tak Doyan Susu
Ada sebagian orang yang tak bisa minum susu hewani dengan kandungan zat laktosa. Memang tubuh mereka tak mampu menoleransi laktosa sama sekali. Untuk bayi, biasanya disediakan susu kedelai dengan kandungan laktosa rendah. Kondisi seperti ini juga bersifat menurun dalam anggota keluarga.

10. Kebotakan
Walau kebotakan dianggap biasa pada kaum lelaki, ternyata hal itu juga dipicu oleh keturunan. Ada gen yang diturunkan oleh salah satu pihak orangtua atau keduanya yang menyebabkan si anak juga menderita kebotakan. Ada juga orang yang menderita kebotakan permanen yang pastinya juga disebabkan oleh satu jenis gen.

Sumber: Detik Health

Sunday, October 18, 2009

List Your Site on the Web Directory

For those who use the internet as a suggestion make some money or promotion, of course you can take advantage of the Web Directory. A directory on the World Wide Web that will guide the site-specific web sites.

Usually the sites listed are sorted in a particular hierarchy of Web service provider directory. Although a link to the websites, web directory is not search engine. Web directory site lists only present by categories and sub-categories.

Not based on keywords, as in effect on the search engines. Web directory created by humans so that site owners can submit their site to enter the list. Not automatically tracked. And usually, each site can only be entered into one category or a maximum of only two or three categories.

Examples of web directories include DMOZ, Yahoo directory,, and BOTW.There are many benefits when you sign into a web site directory.

Among them are easier to find the site and find the link, then visit your site. Even if the process is the first time, it was the first time a search engine to index your site.

Other benefits include, among others, many people use web directories to find sites that offer the services they need. The more web directories appear on your website, the more likely to get visitors who browse the web directories. And most important for internet marketing, web directory useful in SEO, which is easier to get backlinks and SEO fot your site.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Pare Bisa Nurunin Gula Darah

Ada info ne buat para penderita diabetes. Ugh...remember my mom at my home town..Jogja.
Hope She always fine...miz u Mom...

Kopas aja deh artikel dari Kompas:

KOMPAS.COM - Pare, sayur pahit yang satu ini memang menyimpan kejutan, tahukah Anda bahwa sayur yang satu ini bisa menurunkan gula darah Anda?

Tak banyak yang mengetahui bahwa pare bisa untuk para diabetesi, sebuah studi dari Jurnal Ethnopharmacology menyatakan bahwa baik pare segar maupun yang dikeringkan dalam jumlah 1.5 ons - 3 ons bisa membuat kadar gula darah turun sebanyak 48%, membuat toleransi glukosa membaik tanpa terjadi peningkatan insulin, serta memperbaiki kadar gula darah puasa pada diabetesi. Memang ini sangat baik untuk para diabetesi akan tetapi hati - hati dalam menggunakannya jika kadar gula darah Anda normal.

Komposisi pare sangatlah beragam, rasa pahit pare yang merupakan karakter khasnya disebabkan karena kandungan cucurbitacins. Diantara komposisi ini terdapatlah Charantin yang merupakan suatu bahan primer dalam mengurangi regulasi gula darah. Charantin membuat suatu reaksi penurunan gula darah (hipoglikemik). Pare juga mengandung suatu peptida yang menyerupai sifat insulin, salah satunya adalah polipeptida P dan alkaloid. Kandungan lain dalam pare pun turut serta dalam efek perubahan gula darah. Pada penelitian percobaan yang dilakukan ke manusia, pare menunjukkan perubahan signifikan dalam pengontrolan gula darah setelah mengkonsumsinya dan menghasilkan efek penurunan gula darah.

Salah satu metode untuk menggunakan pare adalah dengan membuat jus pare segar ukuran kecil dan buatlah sebanyak 50ml pare (1,5 ons) sampai 100 ml (sekitar 3 ons) lalu dibagi menjadi 2 atau 3 dosis sehari. Perlu diingat jus pare ini sangatlah pahit.

Meskipun pare sangat baik untuk menurunkan gula darah, akan tetapi harus diperhatikan penggunaannya apalagi jika Anda seorang diabetesi yang menggunakan obat - obatan untuk mengontrol kadar gula darah Anda. Jangan lupa untuk memonitor kadar gula darah Anda jika Anda memutuskan untuk memakai pare sebagai tambahan pengontrol kadar gula darah. Jika Anda sedang dalam pengobatan bersama obat gula sebaiknya konsultasikan dulu ke dokter Anda sebelum Anda menggunakan pare bersama obat Anda karena pare bisa menyebabkan kadar gula darah Anda turun drastis bila memakai terlalu berlebihan. Sedangkan untuk riwayat alergi terhadap pare belum pernah ada penelitiannya.

(dr.Intan Airlina Febiliawanti

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Botox to Remove Wrinkles on the Face

Botox is not a new term as we know. Botox has long been known more for beauty treatment. Botox is a method in the field of beauty which is made with the needle method.

Usually people do with the purpose of botox to remove wrinkles on the face. This method is done with the injected toxin type A, which is Botulinum. Words taken from the term that is the botox.
A study of Faculty of Medicine, Wake Forest University in North Carolina mentioned that botox does not have this side effect compared with other treatments.
Method botox giving relaxation musculature that cause wrinkling. Botox also make the skin surface become more smooth and not wrinkled. Even if injected a little on the side of the eye, then Botox can remove the lines that appear when a laugh.
Botox can be injected on the forehead to tighten the skin around the forehead. Results tighten the skin can also be injected with a little botox to eliminate wrinkling of the brow appear when people are thinking.
In addition, the benefits of botox is to reduce excessive sweat secretion to reduce body odor. Botox done with the needle or injection equipment with an injection needle is very small.
Benefits of botox, he can survive four to six months. After that, botox can be injected again, repeatedly.
For more indormation about Botox injection, you can visiting this site

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Working While on holiday? Why not?

Do You have a super busy with work? Or you are a freelance who want to vacation? If your answer is yes, then when on holiday, your job will be a new thought. But don’t forget that the holidays are a very influential time for the harmony of your family.
You need not be confused because there are actually many people who successfully manage time so that it can work while on holiday. Togetherness with the family can still be done and the work is going well.
However, there are some tricks that I want to share here.

To be able to work while still on holiday, it takes some preparation and strategy before you make the decision to buy travel tickets with your family.
1. Work Equipment
Perhaps the day-to-day netbooks or laptop into a presentation tool or media support at work. But at the time of your next holiday, Laptop akan become the main device to work.
You can do the preparation so that more reasonable at the time used for work. For example, upgrading memory is not that quick access. Moreover, if you need support for the work that requires large space. If necessary, you can purchase storage / hard disk so that a greater security to the documents of the unpredictable future.
There is also a good idea to prepare your removable harrdisk to take participate in the work as the backup data that has been / is being done.

2. Supporting device
If you are a mobile user internet connection, choose (discussed with the family) holiday location in the big city. Because mobile internet connection that you use normally akan ter-support optimally only in big cities.
When the fund is big enough for your holiday, choose hotels that provides cable internet facilities in rooms. But if not, you must set up Internet access portable. For example, the USB modem to the outside room.
Do not forget to bring some pieces of paper, pencil, pen to record or create a rough concept, a ruler, USB / Flash disk, head set (communication) and some CD / DVD as an empty object.

3. Equipment for Camping
If the location of your holiday in nature such as in the forest or the beach, so do not forget to bring the camping equipment‍. Including emergency cooking equipment. For a holiday on the beach, prepare the clothing beach or beachwear. Do not forgot to bring clothes appropriate for a vacation to the beach.

4. Work Pattern
Plan your work pattern during the holiday later. Because of course you do not want to damage the atmosphere of the holidays with the family because in front of the computer all day. For example, decided to work online at night and morning only, because in the afternoon till noon the absolute time for families to walk.
And, most importantly,

do the calculation with mature financial condition or funds for a vacation (Price Comparison) . If necessary, do a survey to compare the budget that is right for the holidays.

Hopefully the vacation time can be 100% satisfied for the family and your client

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Pindah Rumah

Hari ini aku pengen pindah rumah. Tapi bukan pindah rumah beneran seh. Aku pengen pindah rumah online. Jadi buat temen-temen yang masih nyasar di sini, geser aja di Rumah Baruku
Sebenarnya bukan rumah baru sih, karena aku udah setahunan pakai Rumah Baru ini. Cuman rasanya kok kerepotan ya, harus bolak-balik ngurusnya. Jadi kuputuskan untuk mengurus yang



Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Best Choise Using Sapphire Jewelry

There are three features of gem stone, beautiful, eternal and scarce. As a gem stone, Sapphire also having that features. That’s why Sapphire Stone being good choise for jewelry’s material.

Sapphires are well known gem stones. It also know as stone what having magical powers. So, Sapphire Jewelry rings have been witnesses to the occasions wherein two persons vow their love. Sapphire jewelry also was trendy for the middle ages, it’s so magic.
The star sapphire is called the stone of the destiny. Sapphire is identical people who birth on September. So for some people, they buying Sapphire Jewelry as a gift to a person who birth at September. If having plan to make an engagement or wedding, September is ideal month to using Sapphire Jewelry.
Pure sapphire is colourless. But there are various colors and tones of Sapphire Jewelry like yellow, green, white, purple, or pink.
In design and style, people make a lot of modification. Sapphire can being a necklace, a ring or a bracelet. Sometimes they make modification from sapphire and diamond. The result will be glamour’s jewelry because it combine a brilliance of diamond and deep luster of sapphire.
The best thing for combination of sapphire and diamonds not only for the glamour and beutifull. It also giving good durability and eternal. The diamond have a hardest substance on earth and sapphire is the second hardest after diamond.
How bout the value? It’s certain, both of diamond and sapphire are considered to be good investment options. For more information about Sapphire Jewelry, You can read this articles below.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Gerakan Moral Dukung Prita Mulyasari

Tamparan keras untuk kebebasan mengungkapkan pendapat di negri kita. Seorang ibu rumah tangga yang merasa dirugikan karena mendapatkan perawatan medis di RS Omni International.

Bagi saya yang pernah mendapatkan tugas untuk mengurusi rubrik Public Service, keluhan seperti yang diutarakan Ibu Prita Mulyasari banyak terjadi. Keluhan dalam segi apapun, termasuk mal praktek. Bahkan tulisan Ibu Prita, menurut saya masih mengikuti tata krama bahasa.
Saya sering loh, nerima keluhan yang isinya mencaci maki dan "bercarut-carut"

Kalau ingat-ingat tugas yang dulu, emang membuat emosi kita teraduk-aduk. Mereka adalah victim...korban. Yang harusnya kita bisa membantu, meskipun wujudnya hanya berupa dukungan saja. Tapi yang terjadi pada ibu yang satu ini, menurut saya sungguh keterlaluan.
Pantaskah perlakuan itu diterimanya?

Apalagi kalau kita kaji lebih dalam. Informasi Ibu Prita itu kan bisa menjadi informasi yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat luas, untuk lebih berhati-hati. Setidaknya masyarakat pun bisa lebih jeli menyikapi tindakan medis yang dialaminya.

Saya mendukung Ibu Prita. Jika Anda juga mendukung, silahkan pasang banner ini juga di blog Anda ;-)
Mari kita galang bersama, gerakan mendukung Ibu Prita.

Ohya..yg pengen baca isi keluhannya, silahkan buka Di Sini

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dikerjain Adik

Gondok banget rasanya...
Gara-garanya semalem aku terima telepon dari nomor 0274 9295***
Hwih...dari jogja, sapa yah (pikirku).
Nomor tuh ndak masuk di list HPku, di nomor CDMA.
Aneh sih, soalnya nggak banyak orang di Jogja yang aku kasih nomor HP CDMA-ku. Paling² ya keluargaku dw.
Aku angkat...dan ternyata suara cowok. Ngakune temenku yang kecewa karena pas ku pulang Jogja kemarin, tapi ndak ketemu. Walah...temen yg mana yah. Aku berpikir keras. Nebak satu per satu orang yang kukenal dan tau nomor CMDAku.
Dan semua tebakanku salah. Esmosi tingkat tinggi deh. Hampir aja kubentak orang tu dan langsung kututup.
Secara gw paling ndak suka dikerjain lewat epon huhuhuhu...(sapa juga yg suka ya hiehiehiehie..)

Tapi saat detik-detik terakhir, sayup-sayup kuderngar suara wanita yang sangat kukenali. Seperti suara backing vocal gituh....
Yakni suara Ibuku sendiri..

Ladalah...iki pasti kerjaan orang rumah. Sebeeeel...sebeeeeeeeel banget...
Tapi orange ndak mau ngaku juga.
Sampe akhirnya suara cowo' itu ketawa ngekek...dan barulah bisa kukenali kalo itu suara Moko. Huh...enak aja anak tuh cengengesan di atas kesebelanku. Asem tenan.
Ternyata anak tuh abis beli hp CDMA orang. Seken gituh.... dan pengen njajal telpon aku yang sama-sama CDMA. Tapi salah perhitungan, dia telpon pake operator CDMA yang beda sama operatorku. Dan alhasil...ndak butuh waktu lama....telponnya mati. Alias abis pulsa!

Mo bilang sokor...ndak tega aku. Masa gitu sama adik sendiri. Tapi beneran aku sebel.
Dia telpon di saat yang tidak tepat je
Di saat aku juga lagi sebel sama somebody else.
Huh....awas koe Mok

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Google Page Rank

Several day ago i met some people form blogger's community at Purna MTQ Pekanbaru. They are from Blogger Bertuah community. But I'm not telling more about that community. If you wanna know more about this community, you can coming to Bertuah's site.

One of them...huh...forgot his about page rank. He was very excite talking about page rank of his blog. And me...of course giving my sweetest smile for him. Hehehe....
I giving nothing because actually...i don't care about Page Rank at my site -in IndrAstuti's Site-
I'm writing in here just for doing my hobby....Writing.
(*Maybe at the other site, i'll need Page Rank aka PR)

Today when i see my site, i'm surpise seeing my PR. Look at this.
My PR at the number 7 from 10 degree. Is that right??? Or maybe google machine is eror hahaha....

Okay, let's we talk about PR or Google PR. What is that and the benefit of that.
It's not the secret anymore that most blogger very interesting to hunting PR. If their blog having high point, they will proud.
Yeah...because high point of PR is one indicator of how important your web site in Google.

Many blogger know about PR, so this is just an information for new comer at blog's world hihi...
What is PR?
PR or Page Rank is analysis digit what showing how important your web site in Google. Google is one of search engiene.
Word "page" come from one of fouder at Google. He's Larry Page. PR using digit from 0 until 10. More bigger is the meaning more important.
So, how many your PR??? How important your blog or site in Google Search Engine?

For more information, visiting Joko's Site or Wikipedia PR

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My Homework

I have got a home work ;-)
And of course, i already done....finishing my home work. I'm a good student hehehe...
This is my home work:

I got that from a friend. Her name is Lira. She is my roomate and a student at one of a Private High School at Pekanbaru. She's in first year.
Lira wrote ten question at the paper, and then she patch at my door. It's surprising me when i want to open the door.
I saw that paper and read "untuk K Anas"
Wow...what is that???
But I dont need more time to understand that Lira need my help to her lesson at school. 
I don't really know for what lesson. I think that for Indonesia lesson. Because she asked me about my job's description. It's like interview...

Her homework make me smile allnight.... Remembering me  about my school period.  We got task to made a story, or interview some one, or the other task. 
Lira's homework likely interview me about my job. She ask about my other job, challenge at my job in Tribun, etc. make me smile until now...

Thursday, May 07, 2009

New Cottage

Someone told me before that he wanna make special's blog.
Only for his love story. About him and his lover, of course.
And tonight, i made that blog for him.

Actually..i'm not a good blogger. I can't make good blog with nice layout. But i accepted that job hihi... just for fun. I believe will giving him a new blog for him ;-)

Now, i'm already make a new blog. I giving name... Our Cottage ... or Pondok Kita
Representative a little home (at virtual life) for him and his'lover. 
Nothing special's blog because i can't giving another decorate for that blog. I'm using standart's template from blogger.
I hope, he'll like that

And right now i'm still thinking to decorate his blog. I don't want make simple's blog like other. Because he want make special place fo special i need work more hardly. I wanna giving he, a special blog.

Friends....can you help me plz..where am i go to find beautiful template??

Friday, April 24, 2009

Pecel dan Wedang Uwuh

Sebenarnya udah lama banget pengen posting ne. Tapi kok rasanya sibuuuuk banget (ceileee...) Very busy gitu loh.... Ini adalah sedikit pengalaman mencicipi beberapa kuliner selama libur cuti kemaren di Jogja.
Kuliner pertama adalah Pecel dan Wedang Uwuh
Pecel...sebagian orang pasti dah kenal makanan ini. Terdiri dari berbagai sayur mayur yang direbus. Ada bayam, kakung, daun kates, kacang panjang, toge (kecambah...bukan toge buat wisuda hehe...toga kaleee), etc.
Tapi Pecel yang kami nikmati di komplek Pajimatan Imogiri ini lebih lengkap. Ndak ditemuin di Pekanbaru...karena ada tambahan rebusan kecipir dan bunga kanthil.
Sayur-mayur itu ditaroh dalam wadah (baskom) gede dan disediakan sambal kacang dalam mangkok.
Melihatnya pertama kali, langsung membuat perut saya keronconga.
Jiwa vegetarian saya langsung muncul hihihi...
Kata ibu, kita boleh ambil sendiri sesuai selera. Wah...kesempatan emas yang ndak saya sia-siakan. Langsung saya ambil sayuran seperti Popeye yang butuh kekuatan dari Daun Bayam buat nyelametin kekasihnya si Olive hihihi...(berlebihan yak). Saya ambil sayur-mayur itu dalam jumlah yang jauh lebih banyak dari nasinya...
Serius loh...beneran saya meluapkan rasa dahaga akan sayuran selama tinggal di Pekanbaru. Eh ralat...lapar dink..bukan dahaga.
Ditambah dengan tempe Gembus...nyiamik tenan.
Oh iya, nama tempenya aneh ya. Tempe gembus ini sebenarnya bukan makanan elit. Malahan termasuk muarahan...harganya juga jauh lebih murah dari tahu dan tempe kedelai. Tempe Gembus ini terbuat dari ampas tahu. Tapi di tangan yang tepat, bisa jadi makanan yang enak. Lihat tuh warnanya...Tempe Gembus Bacem...coklatnya sudah mengundang seleraku....Tambah krupuk..kriuk...kriuukk...

Satu lagi temannya...minuman khas dari Imogiri yaitu Wedang Uwuh.
Kalau yang ngerti bahasa Jawa, pasti dah ngerti artinya. Wedang=minuman/ Uwuh=sampah
Minuman Sampah....yah...emang mirip kayak sampah. Isinya daun kering, jahe yang dibakar, cengkeh, kayu secang, dan daun...nggak tau apa aja jenisnya. Kayu secang itulah yang kasih warna merah pada minuman.
Dan tenan. Hangat sewaktu masuk ke kerongkongan. Jahe dan cengkehnya kerasa banget...bercampur dengan rempah lainnya.
Kalau main ke Imogiri..boleh deh dicoba Wedang Uwuhnya

Kuliner terakhir yang sempat saya nikmati adalah Wedang Ronde. Kalau yang satu ini pasti dah banyak yang tahu. 

Harganya ndak mahal loh. Cuman Rp 3 ribu seporsinya (pake mangkok). Saya mencicipi minuman ini di Alkid alias Alun-alun Kidul. Menikmati hangatnya wedang ronde pada malam dingin di Jogja, sambil melihat orang-orang bermain Masaingin.
Apa itu Masangin? Next time i'll tell you ;-)
Kami mau menikmati dulu Wedang Ronde-nya...slrruuuppphh....aah...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

My first project

My first project. Not a big project ;-)
It's just remembering my college's periode several years ago.
We (my friends and I) often made that as our handymade.

I need two day to made that. I know, it's too loong. I made at my spare time at home. I realize, that's so simple and not yet perfect. But i will learn and learn more to make another.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

General Election at my home town

It's time to giving our choice and bringing contribution for our country...Indonesia. April 9th, 2009...citizen of Indonesia doing democration's party to chose parliament.
And me....with my family of course, following this party.
Look at my little finger. Can you see that? hihi...there's ink which mark my contribution at general election.
I feel so lucky because i can following this election at my home town...Yogyakarta. There is my mother, beside me after giving our choice ;-)

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Opppssss.....i'm ignore my job

Oh my God....i'm ignore my job. I really forget to write my reportage. Huh...i hate this. Its look like i'm irresponsible person.
Because an incident before, my phonecell was lose. I can't remember what happen, just sudden have losed.

But i'm happy because my editor kindhearted. He say my report can be sent tomorrow. Thx a lot Bg Hans.

Friday, April 03, 2009

I have time to think bad

As long today likely I wish to fulminate. I wanna angry..huh...
It’s started from a friend who pretend to know, and make me busy very hardly. She was give unclear information. Actually…that is wrong information. I have time to think bad with her. 
That information come from me, because last night, she have hear my discussion telephone with my resource person.
She asked to me, what is our topic. I just answered briefly, WHO will come to location. I was intend to reporting that information because unclear. In my plan, I will reporting after the information of clear. 
But this morning, she precede me.
Giving that information to Korlip and said that she got this information from dr Azizman. .And…of course…I got more job to find WHO’s team.
I’m not angry with this job because I realize it’s a part of my job. But I’m disappointed with her because she lie to korlip Dr Azizman doesn’t know about that information and he never give information to anybody.
She’s weird person………..uppsss………
It’s my story today…

Oh no, I have other story.
My reportage make me recognize a simple family at Kuantan 7, Pekanbaru. They live at simpe house with old desain. Remiding me to my grandmother house at Slarong, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Make me feel peacefull and balmy.
It’s house of Haryono’s family. Haryono is Wahyu’s father.
Wahyu have passed away because infection of avian influenza virus. They facing heavy temptation because departure their son. 
That not enough, nowadays there is another temptation. First child, Dian (7) was refused to learn at private course. Their neighbor were fear infection of avian influenza (bird flu). 

As our contemplation, if this happen to us, what will we do? Are we will keeping away our child or even ourselves from Haryono’s family? 

Meaning to exile them. So? 

Wednesday, April 01, 2009


I'm not following april's mop celebration. But this day, i got somethin' .... dunno what can i say.
A friend from Media Indonesia told me that there's a disaster at Kuansing. 
He said, at least 28 people was died because overflow. 
I thought that is an important news. So, i give that information to our Redpel (Redaktur Pelaksana) dan Korlip (Koordinator Liputan). They were surpise and ask me to got another information.
But i can't found that information...huhuhu... 
And then...after 15 minutes, a friend from Media Indonesia-Rudi- online again. I saw in his status, he wrote April Mop.
This is a slice from my YM with another friend. He also get surprise from Rudi...

Rian Antara: kena deh lo!!!
Rian Antara: hehehehe
WieK: iyaaah
WieK: pengen nyekik Rudi ne
Rian Antara: cucian deh lo!!!
Rian Antara: gw td dah bilang ke rudi
WieK: menyebalkan
Rian Antara: habis nyela lo harus traktir kita
Rian Antara: dripada bsk klo ketemu digebukin wartawn tribun
WieK: wekekekeke
WieK: iyah
WieK: wajib hukumnya
WieK: bilangin ke dia
Rian Antara: hahahaha
Rian Antara: emang gak sadar ya hari ini april mop??
WieK: sadar sih, Laily yg nyadari tadi
WieK: tapi gw nggak ngeh
Rian Antara: hahahaha
Rian Antara: td ses jg ngsih tau ada banjir di kuansing
Rian Antara: ktanya dri rudi jg
Rian Antara: makanya gw curiga
Rian Antara: hehehehe
Rian Antara: dasar dia kusut style!!!
WieK: embeeer
WieK: gw ampe bilang ke redpel ne
Rian Antara: parah bgt tuh rudi
Rian Antara: hahaha
WieK: lu juga kena ya
Rian Antara: almost

Huh.... i feel deject after that. Congratulation for Rudi. You can surprising me :-P
I'm waiting your invitation at De Javu. You must pay that

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Lil' bit Unwell

I'm little bit unwell Influeza virus attack me again and again.
Fiuh.... several day ago, this virus was attackted me. But i can hold out. I was healthy for several day. But a day before, my head felt so heavy and unexpectedly, i was sick because influenza.

Today, when i went to Ibis Hotel to make report for Riau Medic Fair 2009, i met dr Dian Singgih. She saw my physical was unweel. She is a doctor at UTDC (Unit Transfusi Darah Cabang) Pekanbaru. I often met him to looking some news about blood's stock.
Then, she given to me tablets of vitamin and asked me to drink every day. Huhuhuhu...thanks a lot dr Dian. You are so nice

Now, i'm still unwell. When i be bent down my head, its feel like there is a river in may nose. Very not pleasant.

Its not more better because heavy rain fall when i'm going to buy a food. Theo accompany me to buy food at Lintau's Cafe. But heavy rain fall like a storm that make us wet. I fell cold and my nose more in serious condition.

Hhhrrggghhhh....i wanna sleep take a rest....
I hope tomorrow will be better than today. Mizz my Ugly

Friday, March 13, 2009

Not at My Desk

Not at My Desk
Have u ever see that sentence?
Yeah, that's one of status at YM. We can choose at our YM.
I was using that -meaning of Not at My Desk- as my status because i went out of my office. Not only out of my desk ;-) I went to buy some food.

But, when i came back to my desk, at my computer, there is message from my friend. He ask to me, Am i change my desk?? "Desk" is terminology of sector.
I was smile when saw his message

Then i answered that the message is the meaning of not at my desk. Really..really not at my desk. It's not meaning not at my "sector"
Actually he's not my friend. He's my editor when i was join "City Desk" at the fist time. I miss him so much. I mean, miss his a attention, his direction, his lesson, etc. Until now, there is no editor can change his place in my heart. Thanks a lot Bang Febri Hendra.

This's just an intermezzo. Now, i have back to my work again.
 Deadline's time is waiting for me
See you...

Sunday, March 08, 2009

I Was Very Tired

Tonight, i was very tired

This sentence be my status on my facebook too.
But, it's not a provocation to get comment from another friend
I'm really tired because my activity during two days.
Yeah...i have made a report for junior high school's event at Chevron, Rumbai.
Perhaps you know about this company. Chevron is mention to Chevron Pasific Indonesia (CPI). In the past...we called them as Caltec or Kaltek. Very bourgeois company. It's like city in city at Pekanbaru.
Chevron at Rumbai. It's far enough. At least 45 minutes from my office.
A journey to Rumbai make me more tired cause i need to drive at excessive speed, after finishing another report before.

Right now, my report was finished. I need a rest for a while

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Bad & Good News at the same time

I have a good news and bad news at the same time
The good news is i have new niece, from my beloved friends, A Hui and Mas Tri.
Both of them are my best friends in college. Hui post natal a little baby at March 1st 2009. A little boy...he surely handsome i think. I'm imagining their baby so cute, so nice....
I'm happy for you, my friends. Hope your boy will completely your live. Congratulation...
At the same time, i also have a bad news. Oh itsn't a bad news. It's just an incident what make me so blue
It's happen again and again.
Because of my YM's status, i was loose my appetite for dinner.
It started several days ago. I was write "Belong to my lover" as my status at YM.
Nothing happen for a while. But sudden i accept a message.
Message from someone who always accompany. I giving my appreciate for him, cause his faithfull, kindly, carefully, etc.
But, tonight He protest concerning my status and ask me to changing with another sentences.
I ask to my self....why??? What's wrong with that???
After that, i try to ignoring that message. I think he was joke.
But I make a mistake. He was seriously about that.
When we got to dinner, he ask me again to change my status. My YM status of course.
And i was very angry. It's like intimidation for me. I saw everything so dark. Like my dark.
There's no word again between us. Calm...quite.....
I put my phonecell to sign in with eBuddy. And then i change my status became "Trying to find real happiness"
Now i'm still waiting Is there any complain again????

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Berhasil...berhasil.....horeeeee...... (hehehe..kayak sorakannya Dora)

Finally...setelah berkutat dengan komputer sekita satyu jam (plus chating juga seh), akhirnya saya berhasil memasukkan iklan di dalam blog. Iklan adsense versi Indonesia. Fiuh....serasa olah raga lari keliling komplek Gubri ajah, ampe keringatan gini dah. Tapi Thx God berhasil juga.

Bingung ya teman²....hehehe....o'on yg nanya yah
Gini, aku nemu link ke adsense Indonesia dan iseng aja daftar. Ternyata daftarnya gampang banget. Ndak seribet daftar adsense-nya Om Google
Tinggal ngisi form..ketik ini-itu...wuuuzzz.....sukses dah terdaftar (langsung dapat konfirmasi ke email). Abis ntuh tinggal diaktifin lewad email yg dipake buat daftar lagi.
Dapat deh account-nya. Tinggal utak-atik milik bentuk iklan yang mo ditampilin...dah..jadi deh.

Oh iya, sedikit catatan ne buat temen-temen yang pengen join di adsense versi Indonesia ini, gampang aja. Asalkan nggak pake blog di wordpress. Bakalan ditolak tuh...
Saya kan rencananya mo pake blog SEBELAH, tapi karena nggak boleh. Yah, pake yg di sini aja deh.
Fiuuh...padahal ratingnya tinggian yang SEBELAH sih.
Ndak apa-apa deh...namanya juga usaha

Kabut Asap lagi

Hari ini saya keluar rumah dengan kegalauan (wuluh)
Maksudnya galau...apa bener harus ke luar rumah, mengingat hari ini sebenarnya saya off alias tidak bekerja.
Apalagi melihat ke luar...cuaca tak mendukung. Mendung...
Tapi nekat ada keluar dan yang tadinya saya kira mendung, ternyata bukan
Ternyata...kabut asap melanda Kota Pekanbaru

Wahaaaaii.......kabut lagi

Kabut asap hari ini terasa lebih tebal dari hari sebelumnya. Nggak nyangka aja, kemarin pas ke BMG nanya titik api, katanya menurun jumlahnya. Di Riau tinggal 16 hotspot.
Tapi ladalah ....kok hari ini bisa setebal itu kabutnya

Besok mo baca Tribun Pekanbaru deh, untuk tau info lebih lanjut
hiehiehiehiehie ....buntut²nya iklan koran sendiri

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sedang mencoba

Setelah berkali-kali membuat blog. Mengutak-atiknya. Menyusun kembali. Menambah ini dan itu. Hingga akhirnya memporak-porandakan....smuanya itu dah pernah aku lakukan. Pokoknya setiap ada materi baru yang bikin penasaran, langsung deh praktek.
Tapi untuk yang satu ini, sudah sering mengetahui, sudah banyak membaca, dan sering kali dibuat penasaran.....tapi belum ada keberanian untuk mencoba.
Yaitu sesuatu yang sebenarnya sudah sangat familiar di dunia internet....yaitu mencari penghasilan di internet alias berburu penghasilan online.
Padahal friend, aku tuh sejak tertarik dengan segala hal yang berbau online. Baik itu chating, browsing, surfing (sama aja kale yaa)...eS Te De lah. Maupun hal lain yang menyangkut dunia internet, menarik perhatianku. Nggak mau munafik deh...jujur aja menurutku nternet tuh emang cocok buat bersenang-senang. 
Namun sebenarnya aku ne punya obsesti (wuluh...wuluuuh) untuk bisa mendapatkan sesuatu di internet. Sesuatu yang konkrit yakni INCOME.
Aku terobsesi untuk memiliki sebuah usaha di internet yang bisa saya jalankan di rumah dengan santai. Pokoknya keinginan saya ini cukup muluk lah. Bisa bersenang-senang...santai...duitnya banyak. Ngalir terus ke rekening. 
Tapi....Keinginan itu hanyalah keinginan.
Aku belum juga menemukan cara yang tepat untuk memanfaatkan media yang satu ini untuk meraup pendapatan yang besar.

Hum...sedikit flashback.
Sebelumnya aku pernah loh mencoba "berburu" di sebuah situs penulisan opini, yaitu pintunet. Memang terbukti, situs itu memberikan kita kompensasi berupa uang karena keaktifan menulis ataupun beropini terhadap sebuah produk.
Tapi sayangnya belum puas. Kita harus menuliskan suatu produk dulu, kemudian baru dibayar setelah mencapai batas nominal tertentu. Fiuuh...meskipun sudah dua kali mendapatkan pembayaran dari pintunet, saya kurang sreg. Soalnya kalau nggak aktif, otomatis point tidak terkumpul. Cara itu belum bisa mendapatkan penghasilan seperti yang aku inginkan.
Cara itupun akhirnya terabaikan padahal saldoku masih ada loh. Lupa seh berapa, kalau tidak salah sih sekitar Rp 10 ribu.
Tapi karena tidak memuaskan, ingin mencari lagi cara yang lain.
Pernah juga mencoba pay per click. Tapi belum pernah menghasilkan  karena hasilnya luamaaaa...banget ngumpulinnya. Pernah ada yg dah terkumpul belasan dolar, tapi saya lupa ID egold (hihihi..dasar pikun). Dan akhirnya pupus harapan karena mereka hanya mau membayar melalui rekening egold yang dimasukkan sewaktu pertama mendaftar. 
Pokoknya dah sampai makan hati sendiri (minumnya nggak harus teh sosro hihi...). Dan akhirnya saya tertarik untuk belajar dulu tetang cara mencari penghasilan secara online. Saat ini saya sedang melirik satu situs yang namanya sering muncul di google dan dimana-mana. Yaitu situs yang dikelola mojang Priangan Anne Ahira.
Saya coba mencari informasi mengenai dia dan "sepak terjangnya" selama ini. Dan...akan saya lanjutkan besok lagi... alias bersambung...
Tapi kalo temen-temen ada yang pengen ikutan belajar bareng aku..monggo aja. GABUNG AJA DI SINI (Klik ajah)