Friday, April 24, 2009

Pecel dan Wedang Uwuh

Sebenarnya udah lama banget pengen posting ne. Tapi kok rasanya sibuuuuk banget (ceileee...) Very busy gitu loh.... Ini adalah sedikit pengalaman mencicipi beberapa kuliner selama libur cuti kemaren di Jogja.
Kuliner pertama adalah Pecel dan Wedang Uwuh
Pecel...sebagian orang pasti dah kenal makanan ini. Terdiri dari berbagai sayur mayur yang direbus. Ada bayam, kakung, daun kates, kacang panjang, toge (kecambah...bukan toge buat wisuda hehe...toga kaleee), etc.
Tapi Pecel yang kami nikmati di komplek Pajimatan Imogiri ini lebih lengkap. Ndak ditemuin di Pekanbaru...karena ada tambahan rebusan kecipir dan bunga kanthil.
Sayur-mayur itu ditaroh dalam wadah (baskom) gede dan disediakan sambal kacang dalam mangkok.
Melihatnya pertama kali, langsung membuat perut saya keronconga.
Jiwa vegetarian saya langsung muncul hihihi...
Kata ibu, kita boleh ambil sendiri sesuai selera. Wah...kesempatan emas yang ndak saya sia-siakan. Langsung saya ambil sayuran seperti Popeye yang butuh kekuatan dari Daun Bayam buat nyelametin kekasihnya si Olive hihihi...(berlebihan yak). Saya ambil sayur-mayur itu dalam jumlah yang jauh lebih banyak dari nasinya...
Serius loh...beneran saya meluapkan rasa dahaga akan sayuran selama tinggal di Pekanbaru. Eh ralat...lapar dink..bukan dahaga.
Ditambah dengan tempe Gembus...nyiamik tenan.
Oh iya, nama tempenya aneh ya. Tempe gembus ini sebenarnya bukan makanan elit. Malahan termasuk muarahan...harganya juga jauh lebih murah dari tahu dan tempe kedelai. Tempe Gembus ini terbuat dari ampas tahu. Tapi di tangan yang tepat, bisa jadi makanan yang enak. Lihat tuh warnanya...Tempe Gembus Bacem...coklatnya sudah mengundang seleraku....Tambah krupuk..kriuk...kriuukk...

Satu lagi temannya...minuman khas dari Imogiri yaitu Wedang Uwuh.
Kalau yang ngerti bahasa Jawa, pasti dah ngerti artinya. Wedang=minuman/ Uwuh=sampah
Minuman Sampah....yah...emang mirip kayak sampah. Isinya daun kering, jahe yang dibakar, cengkeh, kayu secang, dan daun...nggak tau apa aja jenisnya. Kayu secang itulah yang kasih warna merah pada minuman.
Dan tenan. Hangat sewaktu masuk ke kerongkongan. Jahe dan cengkehnya kerasa banget...bercampur dengan rempah lainnya.
Kalau main ke Imogiri..boleh deh dicoba Wedang Uwuhnya

Kuliner terakhir yang sempat saya nikmati adalah Wedang Ronde. Kalau yang satu ini pasti dah banyak yang tahu. 

Harganya ndak mahal loh. Cuman Rp 3 ribu seporsinya (pake mangkok). Saya mencicipi minuman ini di Alkid alias Alun-alun Kidul. Menikmati hangatnya wedang ronde pada malam dingin di Jogja, sambil melihat orang-orang bermain Masaingin.
Apa itu Masangin? Next time i'll tell you ;-)
Kami mau menikmati dulu Wedang Ronde-nya...slrruuuppphh....aah...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

My first project

My first project. Not a big project ;-)
It's just remembering my college's periode several years ago.
We (my friends and I) often made that as our handymade.

I need two day to made that. I know, it's too loong. I made at my spare time at home. I realize, that's so simple and not yet perfect. But i will learn and learn more to make another.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

General Election at my home town

It's time to giving our choice and bringing contribution for our country...Indonesia. April 9th, 2009...citizen of Indonesia doing democration's party to chose parliament.
And me....with my family of course, following this party.
Look at my little finger. Can you see that? hihi...there's ink which mark my contribution at general election.
I feel so lucky because i can following this election at my home town...Yogyakarta. There is my mother, beside me after giving our choice ;-)

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Opppssss.....i'm ignore my job

Oh my God....i'm ignore my job. I really forget to write my reportage. Huh...i hate this. Its look like i'm irresponsible person.
Because an incident before, my phonecell was lose. I can't remember what happen, just sudden have losed.

But i'm happy because my editor kindhearted. He say my report can be sent tomorrow. Thx a lot Bg Hans.

Friday, April 03, 2009

I have time to think bad

As long today likely I wish to fulminate. I wanna angry..huh...
It’s started from a friend who pretend to know, and make me busy very hardly. She was give unclear information. Actually…that is wrong information. I have time to think bad with her. 
That information come from me, because last night, she have hear my discussion telephone with my resource person.
She asked to me, what is our topic. I just answered briefly, WHO will come to location. I was intend to reporting that information because unclear. In my plan, I will reporting after the information of clear. 
But this morning, she precede me.
Giving that information to Korlip and said that she got this information from dr Azizman. .And…of course…I got more job to find WHO’s team.
I’m not angry with this job because I realize it’s a part of my job. But I’m disappointed with her because she lie to korlip Dr Azizman doesn’t know about that information and he never give information to anybody.
She’s weird person………..uppsss………
It’s my story today…

Oh no, I have other story.
My reportage make me recognize a simple family at Kuantan 7, Pekanbaru. They live at simpe house with old desain. Remiding me to my grandmother house at Slarong, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Make me feel peacefull and balmy.
It’s house of Haryono’s family. Haryono is Wahyu’s father.
Wahyu have passed away because infection of avian influenza virus. They facing heavy temptation because departure their son. 
That not enough, nowadays there is another temptation. First child, Dian (7) was refused to learn at private course. Their neighbor were fear infection of avian influenza (bird flu). 

As our contemplation, if this happen to us, what will we do? Are we will keeping away our child or even ourselves from Haryono’s family? 

Meaning to exile them. So? 

Wednesday, April 01, 2009


I'm not following april's mop celebration. But this day, i got somethin' .... dunno what can i say.
A friend from Media Indonesia told me that there's a disaster at Kuansing. 
He said, at least 28 people was died because overflow. 
I thought that is an important news. So, i give that information to our Redpel (Redaktur Pelaksana) dan Korlip (Koordinator Liputan). They were surpise and ask me to got another information.
But i can't found that information...huhuhu... 
And then...after 15 minutes, a friend from Media Indonesia-Rudi- online again. I saw in his status, he wrote April Mop.
This is a slice from my YM with another friend. He also get surprise from Rudi...

Rian Antara: kena deh lo!!!
Rian Antara: hehehehe
WieK: iyaaah
WieK: pengen nyekik Rudi ne
Rian Antara: cucian deh lo!!!
Rian Antara: gw td dah bilang ke rudi
WieK: menyebalkan
Rian Antara: habis nyela lo harus traktir kita
Rian Antara: dripada bsk klo ketemu digebukin wartawn tribun
WieK: wekekekeke
WieK: iyah
WieK: wajib hukumnya
WieK: bilangin ke dia
Rian Antara: hahahaha
Rian Antara: emang gak sadar ya hari ini april mop??
WieK: sadar sih, Laily yg nyadari tadi
WieK: tapi gw nggak ngeh
Rian Antara: hahahaha
Rian Antara: td ses jg ngsih tau ada banjir di kuansing
Rian Antara: ktanya dri rudi jg
Rian Antara: makanya gw curiga
Rian Antara: hehehehe
Rian Antara: dasar dia kusut style!!!
WieK: embeeer
WieK: gw ampe bilang ke redpel ne
Rian Antara: parah bgt tuh rudi
Rian Antara: hahaha
WieK: lu juga kena ya
Rian Antara: almost

Huh.... i feel deject after that. Congratulation for Rudi. You can surprising me :-P
I'm waiting your invitation at De Javu. You must pay that