Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dikerjain Adik

Gondok banget rasanya...
Gara-garanya semalem aku terima telepon dari nomor 0274 9295***
Hwih...dari jogja, sapa yah (pikirku).
Nomor tuh ndak masuk di list HPku, di nomor CDMA.
Aneh sih, soalnya nggak banyak orang di Jogja yang aku kasih nomor HP CDMA-ku. Paling² ya keluargaku dw.
Aku angkat...dan ternyata suara cowok. Ngakune temenku yang kecewa karena pas ku pulang Jogja kemarin, tapi ndak ketemu. Walah...temen yg mana yah. Aku berpikir keras. Nebak satu per satu orang yang kukenal dan tau nomor CMDAku.
Dan semua tebakanku salah. Esmosi tingkat tinggi deh. Hampir aja kubentak orang tu dan langsung kututup.
Secara gw paling ndak suka dikerjain lewat epon huhuhuhu...(sapa juga yg suka ya hiehiehiehie..)

Tapi saat detik-detik terakhir, sayup-sayup kuderngar suara wanita yang sangat kukenali. Seperti suara backing vocal gituh....
Yakni suara Ibuku sendiri..

Ladalah...iki pasti kerjaan orang rumah. Sebeeeel...sebeeeeeeeel banget...
Tapi orange ndak mau ngaku juga.
Sampe akhirnya suara cowo' itu ketawa ngekek...dan barulah bisa kukenali kalo itu suara Moko. Huh...enak aja anak tuh cengengesan di atas kesebelanku. Asem tenan.
Ternyata anak tuh abis beli hp CDMA orang. Seken gituh.... dan pengen njajal telpon aku yang sama-sama CDMA. Tapi salah perhitungan, dia telpon pake operator CDMA yang beda sama operatorku. Dan alhasil...ndak butuh waktu lama....telponnya mati. Alias abis pulsa!

Mo bilang sokor...ndak tega aku. Masa gitu sama adik sendiri. Tapi beneran aku sebel.
Dia telpon di saat yang tidak tepat je
Di saat aku juga lagi sebel sama somebody else.
Huh....awas koe Mok

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Google Page Rank

Several day ago i met some people form blogger's community at Purna MTQ Pekanbaru. They are from Blogger Bertuah community. But I'm not telling more about that community. If you wanna know more about this community, you can coming to Bertuah's site.

One of them...huh...forgot his about page rank. He was very excite talking about page rank of his blog. And me...of course giving my sweetest smile for him. Hehehe....
I giving nothing because actually...i don't care about Page Rank at my site -in IndrAstuti's Site-
I'm writing in here just for doing my hobby....Writing.
(*Maybe at the other site, i'll need Page Rank aka PR)

Today when i see my site, i'm surpise seeing my PR. Look at this.
My PR at the number 7 from 10 degree. Is that right??? Or maybe google machine is eror hahaha....

Okay, let's we talk about PR or Google PR. What is that and the benefit of that.
It's not the secret anymore that most blogger very interesting to hunting PR. If their blog having high point, they will proud.
Yeah...because high point of PR is one indicator of how important your web site in Google.

Many blogger know about PR, so this is just an information for new comer at blog's world hihi...
What is PR?
PR or Page Rank is analysis digit what showing how important your web site in Google. Google is one of search engiene.
Word "page" come from one of fouder at Google. He's Larry Page. PR using digit from 0 until 10. More bigger is the meaning more important.
So, how many your PR??? How important your blog or site in Google Search Engine?

For more information, visiting Joko's Site or Wikipedia PR

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My Homework

I have got a home work ;-)
And of course, i already done....finishing my home work. I'm a good student hehehe...
This is my home work:

I got that from a friend. Her name is Lira. She is my roomate and a student at one of a Private High School at Pekanbaru. She's in first year.
Lira wrote ten question at the paper, and then she patch at my door. It's surprising me when i want to open the door.
I saw that paper and read "untuk K Anas"
Wow...what is that???
But I dont need more time to understand that Lira need my help to her lesson at school. 
I don't really know for what lesson. I think that for Indonesia lesson. Because she asked me about my job's description. It's like interview...

Her homework make me smile allnight.... Remembering me  about my school period.  We got task to made a story, or interview some one, or the other task. 
Lira's homework likely interview me about my job. She ask about my other job, challenge at my job in Tribun, etc. make me smile until now...

Thursday, May 07, 2009

New Cottage

Someone told me before that he wanna make special's blog.
Only for his love story. About him and his lover, of course.
And tonight, i made that blog for him.

Actually..i'm not a good blogger. I can't make good blog with nice layout. But i accepted that job hihi... just for fun. I believe will giving him a new blog for him ;-)

Now, i'm already make a new blog. I giving name... Our Cottage ... or Pondok Kita
Representative a little home (at virtual life) for him and his'lover. 
Nothing special's blog because i can't giving another decorate for that blog. I'm using standart's template from blogger.
I hope, he'll like that

And right now i'm still thinking to decorate his blog. I don't want make simple's blog like other. Because he want make special place fo special i need work more hardly. I wanna giving he, a special blog.

Friends....can you help me plz..where am i go to find beautiful template??