I'm little bit unwell Influeza virus attack me again and again.
Fiuh.... several day ago, this virus was attackted me. But i can hold out. I was healthy for several day. But a day before, my head felt so heavy and unexpectedly, i was sick because influenza.
Today, when i went to Ibis Hotel to make report for Riau Medic Fair 2009, i met dr Dian Singgih. She saw my physical was unweel. She is a doctor at UTDC (Unit Transfusi Darah Cabang) Pekanbaru. I often met him to looking some news about blood's stock.
Then, she given to me tablets of vitamin and asked me to drink every day. Huhuhuhu...thanks a lot dr Dian. You are so nice
Now, i'm still unwell. When i be bent down my head, its feel like there is a river in may nose. Very not pleasant.
Its not more better because heavy rain fall when i'm going to buy a food. Theo accompany me to buy food at Lintau's Cafe. But heavy rain fall like a storm that make us wet. I fell cold and my nose more in serious condition.
Hhhrrggghhhh....i wanna sleep take a rest....
I hope tomorrow will be better than today. Mizz my Ugly
Lil Doll
Hasil lirik-lirik karya tetangga, akhirnya Wiekcraft dengan bendera
Flanellita merilis karya terbaru
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