Sunday, May 30, 2004

Hwih... barusan browsing, aku dapat artikel tentang sekumpulan orang� yang anti sama BLOG. Komunitas anti Blogger Yah... seperti nama komunitasnya, orang� dalam komunitas ini pastinya anti pati sama yang namanya nge'blog.

Artikel pendukung lainnya juga kudapatkan :� Uhukkss... iseng nih baca� dan browsing... Nih sebagian kucuplik dari

You are fucking stupid

The idiocy of Movable Type bloggers is most evident when they become emotional about a topic. When this occurs, they tend to make all kinds of massive, grating rhetorical faux pas such as false analogies. For instance, one fatuous journaller made the following claim after being crapflooded and having lots of search requests made on her blog:

Even the most asinine of hackers would not be in the least bit surprised to find themselves pressed with charges were they to enter a cement-and-mortar library and begin wantonly destroying books, ripping out their pages, defacing their covers, rendering them unusable by anyone else. Yet that is precisely what they are doing when they attack weblogs and sites containing original, creative content.

Congratulations, you dumb bint. You've just equated the useless babblings of millions of ostentatious retards around the world to a valuable free source of information available to all. Crapflooding is nothing like ripping up most of the books in a library. It's more likely scribbling on several thousands of pieces of paper and then stuffing them all into the "Comments and Suggestions" box hung up on the wall. This will hardly interfere at all with the experience of other library (blog) users. So shut the fuck up before you make a fool of yourself again by making nonsensical comparisons.

Your blog is fucking up Google

This is what makes your blogs worse than useless. Previously, they were merely bundles of listless rambling scattered around the Web. Now their effects are positively toxic, choking search engines as they grow continuously and invasively.

If you try to search Google on any kind of nonmainstream topic which has been discussed amongst yourselves, it's entirely possible that all of the top search results are from a few well-connected bloggers who have blabbed about a subject and then been TrackBacked over and over again by hundreds of other people. TrackBack and "other related blog entries" are hypertextual viruses for fucking up Google, I swear. PageRank was not designed for this sort of linking where each in a series of a thousand pages links to all of the other 999 pages.


What do u think about that???

Setiap orang punya hak untuk beropini kan. Jadi menurutku sih .. its'ok lah...
Mereka pun juga punya hak untuk beropini seperti itu. Dan........ aku pun juga punya hak utk tetep nge'blog


Tull kaannn..... :�

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