Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Working While on holiday? Why not?

Do You have a super busy with work? Or you are a freelance who want to vacation? If your answer is yes, then when on holiday, your job will be a new thought. But don’t forget that the holidays are a very influential time for the harmony of your family.
You need not be confused because there are actually many people who successfully manage time so that it can work while on holiday. Togetherness with the family can still be done and the work is going well.
However, there are some tricks that I want to share here.

To be able to work while still on holiday, it takes some preparation and strategy before you make the decision to buy travel tickets with your family.
1. Work Equipment
Perhaps the day-to-day netbooks or laptop into a presentation tool or media support at work. But at the time of your next holiday, Laptop akan become the main device to work.
You can do the preparation so that more reasonable at the time used for work. For example, upgrading memory is not that quick access. Moreover, if you need support for the work that requires large space. If necessary, you can purchase storage / hard disk so that a greater security to the documents of the unpredictable future.
There is also a good idea to prepare your removable harrdisk to take participate in the work as the backup data that has been / is being done.

2. Supporting device
If you are a mobile user internet connection, choose (discussed with the family) holiday location in the big city. Because mobile internet connection that you use normally akan ter-support optimally only in big cities.
When the fund is big enough for your holiday, choose hotels that provides cable internet facilities in rooms. But if not, you must set up Internet access portable. For example, the USB modem to the outside room.
Do not forget to bring some pieces of paper, pencil, pen to record or create a rough concept, a ruler, USB / Flash disk, head set (communication) and some CD / DVD as an empty object.

3. Equipment for Camping
If the location of your holiday in nature such as in the forest or the beach, so do not forget to bring the camping equipment‍. Including emergency cooking equipment. For a holiday on the beach, prepare the clothing beach or beachwear. Do not forgot to bring clothes appropriate for a vacation to the beach.

4. Work Pattern
Plan your work pattern during the holiday later. Because of course you do not want to damage the atmosphere of the holidays with the family because in front of the computer all day. For example, decided to work online at night and morning only, because in the afternoon till noon the absolute time for families to walk.
And, most importantly,

do the calculation with mature financial condition or funds for a vacation (Price Comparison) . If necessary, do a survey to compare the budget that is right for the holidays.

Hopefully the vacation time can be 100% satisfied for the family and your client

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Pindah Rumah

Hari ini aku pengen pindah rumah. Tapi bukan pindah rumah beneran seh. Aku pengen pindah rumah online. Jadi buat temen-temen yang masih nyasar di sini, geser aja di Rumah Baruku
Sebenarnya bukan rumah baru sih, karena aku udah setahunan pakai Rumah Baru ini. Cuman rasanya kok kerepotan ya, harus bolak-balik ngurusnya. Jadi kuputuskan untuk mengurus yang



Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Best Choise Using Sapphire Jewelry

There are three features of gem stone, beautiful, eternal and scarce. As a gem stone, Sapphire also having that features. That’s why Sapphire Stone being good choise for jewelry’s material.

Sapphires are well known gem stones. It also know as stone what having magical powers. So, Sapphire Jewelry rings have been witnesses to the occasions wherein two persons vow their love. Sapphire jewelry also was trendy for the middle ages, it’s so magic.
The star sapphire is called the stone of the destiny. Sapphire is identical people who birth on September. So for some people, they buying Sapphire Jewelry as a gift to a person who birth at September. If having plan to make an engagement or wedding, September is ideal month to using Sapphire Jewelry.
Pure sapphire is colourless. But there are various colors and tones of Sapphire Jewelry like yellow, green, white, purple, or pink.
In design and style, people make a lot of modification. Sapphire can being a necklace, a ring or a bracelet. Sometimes they make modification from sapphire and diamond. The result will be glamour’s jewelry because it combine a brilliance of diamond and deep luster of sapphire.
The best thing for combination of sapphire and diamonds not only for the glamour and beutifull. It also giving good durability and eternal. The diamond have a hardest substance on earth and sapphire is the second hardest after diamond.
How bout the value? It’s certain, both of diamond and sapphire are considered to be good investment options. For more information about Sapphire Jewelry, You can read this articles below.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Gerakan Moral Dukung Prita Mulyasari

Tamparan keras untuk kebebasan mengungkapkan pendapat di negri kita. Seorang ibu rumah tangga yang merasa dirugikan karena mendapatkan perawatan medis di RS Omni International.

Bagi saya yang pernah mendapatkan tugas untuk mengurusi rubrik Public Service, keluhan seperti yang diutarakan Ibu Prita Mulyasari banyak terjadi. Keluhan dalam segi apapun, termasuk mal praktek. Bahkan tulisan Ibu Prita, menurut saya masih mengikuti tata krama bahasa.
Saya sering loh, nerima keluhan yang isinya mencaci maki dan "bercarut-carut"

Kalau ingat-ingat tugas yang dulu, emang membuat emosi kita teraduk-aduk. Mereka adalah victim...korban. Yang harusnya kita bisa membantu, meskipun wujudnya hanya berupa dukungan saja. Tapi yang terjadi pada ibu yang satu ini, menurut saya sungguh keterlaluan.
Pantaskah perlakuan itu diterimanya?

Apalagi kalau kita kaji lebih dalam. Informasi Ibu Prita itu kan bisa menjadi informasi yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat luas, untuk lebih berhati-hati. Setidaknya masyarakat pun bisa lebih jeli menyikapi tindakan medis yang dialaminya.

Saya mendukung Ibu Prita. Jika Anda juga mendukung, silahkan pasang banner ini juga di blog Anda ;-)
Mari kita galang bersama, gerakan mendukung Ibu Prita.

Ohya..yg pengen baca isi keluhannya, silahkan buka Di Sini